Boasting over 500 pieces, the Les F. Harrison Microphone Collection features many rare and interesting mics spanning the entire history of the technology. Everything from the earliest carbon microphones to the most modern occurrences are included. The collection's strong emphasis of RCA microphones from 1930 - 1960 offers a broad and inclusive look into one of the era's most prolific manufacturers and their innovative and pioneering designs.
"I have had a long fascination with microphones and over the last 45 years have been fortunate to acquire quite a few that interest me. Before the rapid advance of digital recording many customers thought it was great that I was saving and restoring these old mics but had little interest in the mics themselves. In recent years the audio community has come to appreciate and covet many of the old tools and techniques and now these ‘old’ pieces have achieved some measure of respect and are now deemed ‘vintage’. As many of our visitors already know I have paid particular attention to ribbon mics so they are well represented in my collection. Many pieces in the collection have been seen and heard on movies, television, radio and records because somebody wanted 'the look' or 'the sound' of a real mic and not just a prop. Then again, there are always calls for non-functional prop pieces and we keep some of those around as well. Please enjoy these images and then maybe take a look at our youtube channel where we post clips so you can also hear some of these microphones." -- Les
(Click any image to begin a slideshow.)